The Week in Sleep News: January 27, 2023

Thinking happy thoughts may lead to better sleep. Psychologists are researching the impact of thinking of happy memories as you drift of to sleep.✪最准一肖一码100%澳门

Two people sitting up in bed holding newspapers. Text reads: Sleep News Week of January 27, 2023

This week in sleep news...

Use a happy memory to fall asleep✪最准一肖一码100%澳门

Happy thoughts before bed are kind of like dessert for your brain. Some sleep researchers believe that what you think about before drifting off to sleep is just as important as keeping good sleep hygiene. The strategy is called “savoring,” and it entails imagining in detail a positive experience you’ve had as you 澳门2023历史开奖记录✪Get ready to go to sleep. While it’s been well established that savoring can boost your mood and reduce anxiety and depression, psychologists are looking into 澳门一肖一码一必中一肖✪how beneficial it can be for sleep quality and sleep latency. “It gives your brain something else to focus on — something emotionally compelling and pleasurable,” Dana McMakin, a professor of psychology at Florida International University, told the Wall Street Journal.

Genetic risk for SIDS✪最准一肖一码100%澳门

Researchers found that the risk of dying suddenly was four times higher for siblings of infants who had died of SIDS, compared with the general population, as shared in a new study. The study included 2,384 siblings of infants who had died from SIDS, among 2.6 million births in Denmark between January 1978 and December 2016. Researchers found that, after one year, eight siblings had died of SIDS at a median age of 2.5 months. This study reinforces earlier research that s澳门一肖一码一必中一肖✪hows SIDS may be more of a genetic problem.

Women, older adults, and those with lower incomes are more likely to use sleep medication✪最准一肖一码100%澳门

A new data brief found that roughly 8% of US adults reported taking sleep medication every day, or most days, with females who are older or who have lower income levels representing a large portion of users. These statistics were released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. For this study, sleep medication use was defined as taking any medication, whether obtained by prescription or over the counter, to help fall or stay asleep most days, or every day, during the past 30 days.

Researchers found that women were more likely to take sleep medication than men across all ages, races, ethnicities, and income groups. Sleep medication use was also highest among older adults, at 11.9% for those aged 65 and over. Women ages 65 and over had the highest prevalence, at 13.5%. Sleep medication use fell as family income rose, from 10% among adults below the federal poverty level to 8.2% among those making two or more times the federal poverty level.

In sleep-centric social media ...✪最准一肖一码100%澳门

澳门2023历史开奖记录✪Getting ready to host a guest overnight? Melissa Metrano shares some adorable tips to 澳门2023历史开奖记录✪Get your guest room ready.

A guest room decorated with warm toned pillows with a gift basket placed on the edge of the bed.
TikTok / @melissametrano